Saturday, April 30, 2011

A practical application of Campbell's Journey of the hero

This here a quick summary of how somone can apply Campbell's Journey of the hero to a movie, Idiocracy.
if you havn't seen the movie then you will have to watch it to understand when these steps take place in the movie.

Call to Adventure-Joe's leading officer gives Joe(main character) a new mission
Refusal-Joe doesn't want to take the new mission.
Supernatural Aid-This would be the drugs that the military gives Joe to fall into a deep sleep.
Crossing First Threshold-When Joe gets into his habernation chamber.
Belly of the Whale-This occurs when Joe is on his way to jail and he is taking his tests and then escapes from jail.
The Road of Trails-This is where Joe tries to get the plants to grow and save the world.
Meeting with Goddess-Joe just can't get out of the way anymore. He must lead.
Woman as Temptress-This step is not represented as an actual women but as an object. the object would be the "time machine"
Atonement with Father- In this movie joe does not actual have a father but he does have a father figure and that would be his leading officer. he atones with him by finally leading and not getting out of the way.
Apotheosis-This would be when Joe finally convices the people to put water on the plants instead of Brawndo.
Ultimate Boom- The one rose growes outside of the White House proving that Joe was right.
Refusal to Return-When Joe fianlly realized that he must stay and help these people.
Magical Flight-Joe's Rehabilation trial
Help From Without-When Rita and Frito got camera footage of the growing plants and display them on the screen during the Rehabilation trails.
The Crossing of the Return Threshold-When Joe gives his speech during the Rehabilation trails trying to share his wisdom with the people.
Master of two Worlds-When Joe becomes the president of the USA because he has mastered the highest ranked officer of the old world and he is the leader of the people in the new world.
Freedom to Live-When Joe chooses to stay in that time of the world.

The Ages of Men

ZeusCreated five generations of humans. Gold, Silver, Bronze, heros, then Iron. the Gold generation of people lived in peace. They sought no need to posses more than what they had or to travel out and discovor what else there was in the world. the Silver generation however were ont so peacefully of  a people. The Silver generation also did not honor Zues and his gods so thus Zues changed the weather from eteranl spring to the four seasons and they died not so peacful of a death as the Gold's did. the third generation, Bronze, was the generation of war. They fought amonst each other and died young in fights. The fourth generation of mortals created by Zues were the Heros. The Heros fought virtously in war and died respectfully. They were also more noble than the Silver and respected their Gods. The ones that died in war were placed on the island of Oceanus and still live there today ruled over by Cronus. The fifth generation made by Zues was the Iron race. Which is the race that we live in today.

The woman who fell from the Sky

This story is an Iroquois creation myth. the type of creation myth i would call it would be earth-diver. in this story there are two worlds.Upper world and Lower world. the Upper world is inhabitted by the Sky people while the lower world is inhabited by animals that can survive in or on water becasue the lower world is completely covered in water. The two worlds are seperated by the Great Darkness. One day the King's, of Upper world, daughter got very sick and they could not cure her. A Sky person had a dream and told the king of their dream and how to cure his Daughter, Atahensic. To cure his daughter he would have to dig up the roots of a corn tree that was their source of food. The king felt his daughters' llife was more important than the lives of everyone else so he went to dig up its roots. Another Sky person saw him doing this and stopped him and in his anger her kicked Atahensic down the hole the king had dug and she fell to the Lower world where the anmials stopped her fall and made a raft oout of their bodies for her to sit on. They decided that this would not last very long and they needed a better plan so they put her on the Great Turtles back and dived to the bottom of the Great Water to retreive dirt from her to start make an island out of. Eventually Atahensic had made an island for her to live on and her sickness had cured.Time pasted by and she was living happly on the islannd and gave birth to a girl namde Earth Woman. Then one day as Earth Woman was digging up wild potatoes she bent over the wrong way and the West Wind blew into her body and she became pregnet. The two kids she gave birth to were Good Twin  and Evil Twin.  Evil Twin could not wait to be born and burst out of her side causing her death. Good twin took a sphere from his mother and threw it up into the great Darkness and created the sun to light  up the island each day and he took smaller spheres and threw them up to light up the island at night. Good win and Evil Twin began make animals to populate the island. Evil Twin continoiusly made animals too big and ferious while Good Twin was making things that would provide to easy of a life for the Eagwehoewe people. Finally they decided to settle these desputes with a race. Good Twin won the race and thus is why things are they way they are today. While Evil Twin rules over the dead.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Enuma Elish

The Enuma Elish is a sparagmos Creation myth. it speaks of Anshar and Kishar getting together and becoming the parents of Anu, and Anu the parent of Ea. the kids were rowdy and the Goddess Timat became annoyed at thier behavor and tried to get them to stop but they would not. it eventually came to a war between Timat and her monsters vs the kids. Mardock, one of the kids, beat Timat and her army as punishment for the her doing her acts they broke her up into many different peices and made the world from them.Tiamat's saliva became the clouds, her head became the moutains. Mardock then split up the gods for them all to rule over different areas of the earth.

Campbell's Journey of thee hero

Campbell gives use a genertic outline that applys to each hero story and to an extent this also can be applied to the real world and sections of our own life. Campbell breaks it into 3 different stages and each stage has its own set of steps to go along with it.

The first stage is called Departure and is broken up into 5 different steps.

The Call to Adventure
    Here is the very begining of the hero's journey. It is here that they are forced to start the journey and where things are about to change for them. 
Refusal of the Call
    This stage is fairly obvious by its name. this is where the hero refuses to go onto their adventure. Supernatural Aid
    Once the hero has started the quest their guide and magical helper appears, or becomes known.
The Crossing of the First Threshold
    This is the point where the person actually crosses into the field of adventure, this spot is generally gaurded by gaurdains and is mostly reprsented by sleep.
The Belly of the Whale
    This is the stage where the hero finally comes to realization of what they are doing and accepts what they have to do. this is sometimes seen as the heros lowest point in their journey.

The second stage of the hero's journry is the Inititation and is broken up into 6 different steps.

The Road of Trials    The road of trials is a series of tests that the hero must go through to begin the transformation. This would be the juicy fun part of the journey.
The Meeting with the Goddess    This step in the journey is when the hero returns to an infancy state rather is be them returning to their old ways or they have a dream and they are a baby. in this stage the hero gains some type of knowledge to help him on his path. 
Woman as the Temptress    This stage is  when the hero is distracted from his path and is tempted to forget about it. this stage does not neccesarly have to be a physical woman but it can be any object.
Atonement with the Father    this stage is rather obvious as well. however when there is no father then a father substitute figure is subtituted in pace of the real father.
Apotheosis    This is when someone dies a physical death, or a figurative death, and the hero has reach a divine state of being; person is in heaven and beyond all troubles.
The Ultimate Boon    The ultimate boon is the achievement of the goal of the quest. It is what the person went on the journey to get. All the previous steps serve to prepare the person for this step.

The final stage of the journey is the Return stage and it is broken up itno 6 different steps.

Refusal of the Return    this stage is completl self explanitory.
The Magic Flight    Sometimes the hero must escape with the boon and it can be just as adventurous and dangerous returning from the journey as it was to go on it.
Rescue from Without    just like the hero needing help traveling to his journey they may also need help traveling back from their journey
The Crossing of the Return Threshold    in returning from their journey the hero has to retain the wisdom gained on the quest and to integrate that wisdom back into their normal world.,and then maybe figure out how to share the wisdom with the rest of the world. .
Master of the Two Worlds     this is where the hero has mastered tow different worlds and they can be of a varied of different types of worlds.
Freedom to Live    this stage is also very obvious.

and thus this completes campbell's journey of the hero.

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    The Trickster

    There are 6 main traits that define a Trickster.
    1) ambiguous personality
    2) deceiver-trick player
    3) shape shifter
    4) situation inventor
    5) messenger/imitator of gods
    6) sacred/lewd bricoleur

    When speaking of the Trickster we are within a liminal space,in-between point, where the boundaries of the normal world are earsed and we are free to say things that would be considered out of bounds like profanity words or things that protain to sexual desire because we are within this liminal space the rules dont apply.
    the Trickster is motivated to do such this to satisfy his appetite for the flesh such as sleep, hunger, sexual desire etc. Often at times the trickster is considered a cultural hero because he supplies a wisdom or a moral to the people or by accident he supplies them with a tool.

    Saturday, March 19, 2011

    Hercules last wife

    Hercules last wife was named Deianira. There are mulitple versions of this story but all invole the same centaur that tries to take Deianira from Hercules but never succeds in doing so. At the end of one version Deianira kills Hercules with one of his shirts that has been soaked in the blood of the centaur. One interpatation of Deianira's name is great destruction.

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011


    We have read a story of Gilgamesh and his quest to finding inmortality and  of his strength. Through some searching i found that Gilgamesh was the inspriation of one of the charcaters in one of the all time best game series, Final Fantasy. In the games Gilgamesh wears blightly colored armor and clothes just as told in the story. he also carries many weapons which which can be stolen from him and gives u one of the strongest armor sets there are in the game. This goes along with the story of Gilgamesh becuase he is the strongest there is and his is favored by the gods. It also shows that games find charcaters to put by looking into myth stories.

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    Isis and Osiris and zombies

    In the Eygptian myth Isis and Osiris; Osiris dies and goes to the undrworld where Isis goes to retreive him and help him get back to the immortal world in the sky and later becoming the God of the Underworld. Osiris is depicted by the Eygptians with having green skin. I can only think of only one other type of "human" that has green skin caused by the decay of dieing. Zombies. So by linking the two together and with Osiris being the God of the Underworld, he is the God of the Zombies. So Eygptians are giving power to Osiris by idilizing him as a God and thus if there were to be a Zombie invasion I beleive it would originate in Eypt.


    Monday, January 31, 2011

    The Titans and Olympians(Greekname, Romanname, Area of power)

    The Creators
            Gaea            Terra        Mother Earth
            Uranus          Uranus     Father Sky

    The Titans
         Atlas                                  holds up the sky
           Aphrodite      Venus          Sexaul desire/Beauty
           Cronus          Saturn          Sky
           Helios            Sol              Sun
           Selene                               Moon
           Oceanus        Nereus         Thee River
           Rhea             Ops              Earth
          Themis                               Prophecy
    The Olympians
          Zeus             Jupitur          Thunder and Lightning
          Hera             June             Marriage
          Hades           Pluto             Under World
          Hermes         Mercury        Messanger
          Hepaestus     Vulcan           Forge
          Hestia           Veste             Hearth
          Posiden        Neptune         Sea
          Persephone  Proserpine     Under World
          Demeter       Ceres             Grain
          Apollo         Phoebus          Medicine/Poetry/Ardury
          Atemis         Diana              Hunt/Moon/Virgin
          Ares            Mars              War
          Athena        Minerua           Weaving