Monday, January 31, 2011

The Titans and Olympians(Greekname, Romanname, Area of power)

The Creators
        Gaea            Terra        Mother Earth
        Uranus          Uranus     Father Sky

The Titans
     Atlas                                  holds up the sky
       Aphrodite      Venus          Sexaul desire/Beauty
       Cronus          Saturn          Sky
       Helios            Sol              Sun
       Selene                               Moon
       Oceanus        Nereus         Thee River
       Rhea             Ops              Earth
      Themis                               Prophecy
The Olympians
      Zeus             Jupitur          Thunder and Lightning
      Hera             June             Marriage
      Hades           Pluto             Under World
      Hermes         Mercury        Messanger
      Hepaestus     Vulcan           Forge
      Hestia           Veste             Hearth
      Posiden        Neptune         Sea
      Persephone  Proserpine     Under World
      Demeter       Ceres             Grain
      Apollo         Phoebus          Medicine/Poetry/Ardury
      Atemis         Diana              Hunt/Moon/Virgin
      Ares            Mars              War
      Athena        Minerua           Weaving

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