Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Ages of Men

ZeusCreated five generations of humans. Gold, Silver, Bronze, heros, then Iron. the Gold generation of people lived in peace. They sought no need to posses more than what they had or to travel out and discovor what else there was in the world. the Silver generation however were ont so peacefully of  a people. The Silver generation also did not honor Zues and his gods so thus Zues changed the weather from eteranl spring to the four seasons and they died not so peacful of a death as the Gold's did. the third generation, Bronze, was the generation of war. They fought amonst each other and died young in fights. The fourth generation of mortals created by Zues were the Heros. The Heros fought virtously in war and died respectfully. They were also more noble than the Silver and respected their Gods. The ones that died in war were placed on the island of Oceanus and still live there today ruled over by Cronus. The fifth generation made by Zues was the Iron race. Which is the race that we live in today.

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