Friday, April 29, 2011

Campbell's Journey of thee hero

Campbell gives use a genertic outline that applys to each hero story and to an extent this also can be applied to the real world and sections of our own life. Campbell breaks it into 3 different stages and each stage has its own set of steps to go along with it.

The first stage is called Departure and is broken up into 5 different steps.

The Call to Adventure
    Here is the very begining of the hero's journey. It is here that they are forced to start the journey and where things are about to change for them. 
Refusal of the Call
    This stage is fairly obvious by its name. this is where the hero refuses to go onto their adventure. Supernatural Aid
    Once the hero has started the quest their guide and magical helper appears, or becomes known.
The Crossing of the First Threshold
    This is the point where the person actually crosses into the field of adventure, this spot is generally gaurded by gaurdains and is mostly reprsented by sleep.
The Belly of the Whale
    This is the stage where the hero finally comes to realization of what they are doing and accepts what they have to do. this is sometimes seen as the heros lowest point in their journey.

The second stage of the hero's journry is the Inititation and is broken up into 6 different steps.

The Road of Trials    The road of trials is a series of tests that the hero must go through to begin the transformation. This would be the juicy fun part of the journey.
The Meeting with the Goddess    This step in the journey is when the hero returns to an infancy state rather is be them returning to their old ways or they have a dream and they are a baby. in this stage the hero gains some type of knowledge to help him on his path. 
Woman as the Temptress    This stage is  when the hero is distracted from his path and is tempted to forget about it. this stage does not neccesarly have to be a physical woman but it can be any object.
Atonement with the Father    this stage is rather obvious as well. however when there is no father then a father substitute figure is subtituted in pace of the real father.
Apotheosis    This is when someone dies a physical death, or a figurative death, and the hero has reach a divine state of being; person is in heaven and beyond all troubles.
The Ultimate Boon    The ultimate boon is the achievement of the goal of the quest. It is what the person went on the journey to get. All the previous steps serve to prepare the person for this step.

The final stage of the journey is the Return stage and it is broken up itno 6 different steps.

Refusal of the Return    this stage is completl self explanitory.
The Magic Flight    Sometimes the hero must escape with the boon and it can be just as adventurous and dangerous returning from the journey as it was to go on it.
Rescue from Without    just like the hero needing help traveling to his journey they may also need help traveling back from their journey
The Crossing of the Return Threshold    in returning from their journey the hero has to retain the wisdom gained on the quest and to integrate that wisdom back into their normal world.,and then maybe figure out how to share the wisdom with the rest of the world. .
Master of the Two Worlds     this is where the hero has mastered tow different worlds and they can be of a varied of different types of worlds.
Freedom to Live    this stage is also very obvious.

and thus this completes campbell's journey of the hero.

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