Saturday, April 30, 2011

A practical application of Campbell's Journey of the hero

This here a quick summary of how somone can apply Campbell's Journey of the hero to a movie, Idiocracy.
if you havn't seen the movie then you will have to watch it to understand when these steps take place in the movie.

Call to Adventure-Joe's leading officer gives Joe(main character) a new mission
Refusal-Joe doesn't want to take the new mission.
Supernatural Aid-This would be the drugs that the military gives Joe to fall into a deep sleep.
Crossing First Threshold-When Joe gets into his habernation chamber.
Belly of the Whale-This occurs when Joe is on his way to jail and he is taking his tests and then escapes from jail.
The Road of Trails-This is where Joe tries to get the plants to grow and save the world.
Meeting with Goddess-Joe just can't get out of the way anymore. He must lead.
Woman as Temptress-This step is not represented as an actual women but as an object. the object would be the "time machine"
Atonement with Father- In this movie joe does not actual have a father but he does have a father figure and that would be his leading officer. he atones with him by finally leading and not getting out of the way.
Apotheosis-This would be when Joe finally convices the people to put water on the plants instead of Brawndo.
Ultimate Boom- The one rose growes outside of the White House proving that Joe was right.
Refusal to Return-When Joe fianlly realized that he must stay and help these people.
Magical Flight-Joe's Rehabilation trial
Help From Without-When Rita and Frito got camera footage of the growing plants and display them on the screen during the Rehabilation trails.
The Crossing of the Return Threshold-When Joe gives his speech during the Rehabilation trails trying to share his wisdom with the people.
Master of two Worlds-When Joe becomes the president of the USA because he has mastered the highest ranked officer of the old world and he is the leader of the people in the new world.
Freedom to Live-When Joe chooses to stay in that time of the world.

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